Elevator modernisation
Through modernisation you can revitalise your elevators to improve its reliability, performance and visual appeal. Modernisation also offers cost effective solutions for clients not wanting to outlay huge capital on new equipment
Some of the benefits to be gained through Modernisation include:
• Reduced downtime
• Improved energy efficiency
• Improved appearance
• Increased building value
• Reduced running costs
EET are happy to consult with you about a modernisation program that meets your budgetary and refurbishment expectations.
Some of the Modernisation Services that we offer are:
• Installation of new system controller with high efficiency
drive module
• Installation of infrared door detectors
• Replacement of door operators
• Re-skinning of elevator landing and car doors
• Installation of new signal fixtures
• Installation of new landing and car operation button panels

Electronic & Electrical
Technologies Ltd
Unit 8, 7-9 Marken Place
Glenfield, Auckland 0627